Systematization of the mental health promotion experience “solsticio”, in Cali Colombia
Sistematización de la experiencia de promoción de salud mental “solsticio”, en Cali Colombia
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This study made it possible to analyze which aspects of mental health were favored in the participants through the "Solsticio" promotion strategy, in the city of Santiago de Cali, from the field of Clinical and Health Psychology and the Biopsychosocial model as a component of research and understanding. The target population were people over 18 years of age who have participated in some of the meetings, for the collection of information a qualitative systematization of the experience was carried out, the focus group technique and a documentary review, the questions were aimed at identifying, characterizing and analyzing aspects related to the relationship with oneself, support networks, coping strategies and social representations on mental health. The conclusion was that Solsticio has been a support network that allowed recognizing and expressing feelings and emotions, the possibility of knowing oneself and being able to cope with different situations. On the other hand, it is pertinent to develop and encourage the review of strategies for the promotion of mental health and prevention of mental problems and face-to-face as well as virtual methodologies in order to open the space to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention programs, but also to continue strengthening them by analyzing their effects on mental health.
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