Implementation of the lean healthcare model methodology in the admission and billing process in an ophthalmology clinic in the city of Santiago de Cali

Implementación de la metodología lean healthcare model en el proceso de admisión y facturación en una clínica de oftalmología de la ciudad de Santiago de Cali

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Erika Yadile Villarreal Obando
Néstor David González Melán
Carlos Andrés Nieto Serna

In response to inefficiencies in administrative care for patients and long waiting times, this research focuses on improving processes and operations in an ophthalmology clinic in the city of Santiago de Cali. First, the attention capacity and the demand received by each of the reception, admission and billing boxes were analyzed, the result of which suggests improving the efficiency of their sub-processes and activities. Second, the organization, physical distribution, response capacity and efficiency of the boxes were evaluated. Third, through the Lean Healthcare philosophy, the value chain flow map (VSM), its waste (mudas), variability (muras) and overload (muri) were identified so that possible improvements were formulated. The objective of being more efficient is based on reducing the cycle time of the entire process by providing the best service that includes admission and billing for each patient who is seen daily by the ophthalmology clinic. It is concluded that the proposed Lean Healthcare principles allow improving the lead time for the processes studied, making the service provided more efficient and improving the image of the clinic in front of its clients. The research was carried out in an ophthalmology clinic, which is a leader in integrated services, providing its users with highly specialized solutions in the ophthalmological field.



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Erika Yadile Villarreal Obando, Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho

Egresada de Ingeniería Industrial en la Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho, Técnica Administrativa en Salud del Instituto Colombiano Insecol en el año 2013, Diplomado en Metodología Lean Healthcare de la Universidad San Buenaventura, Auditora Interna certificada bajo la norma ISO 9001 del 2015, integrante del Semillero SEGESTOP y grupo de investigación INTELIGO. Correo electrónico:

Néstor David González Melán, Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho

Egresado de Ingeniería Industrial en la Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho, integrante del Semillero SEGESTOP y grupo de investigación INTELIGO. Correo electrónico:

Carlos Andrés Nieto Serna, Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho

Ingeniero Mecánico de la Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, MBA en administración con énfasis en gerencia estratégica, especialista en eficiencia energética, Green Belt Lean Six Sigma, estudios en automatización, gerencia financiera, profesor tiempo completo de la Facultad de Ingenierías en la Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho, integrante del Semillero SEGESTOP y grupo de investigación INTELIGO. Correo electrónico:


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