Design and implementation of a web application for the administration of dockerized services on the reverse proxy of the research server of the Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho Faculty of Engineering. “DockerWizard”

Diseño e implementación de una aplicación web para la administración de servicios dockerizados sobre el proxy inverso del servidor de investigaciones de la Facultad de Ingenierías de la Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho. “Dockerwizard”

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Santiago Ruiz Posso
Alexis Alberto Ramírez Orozco

The project focuses on addressing the challenges in the administration of Docker containers on the UNIAJC Faculty of Engineering's research server, where projects are required to be containerized. The current configuration, involving manual container creation, presents issues such as error-prone configurations, prolonged disruptions, difficulties in service monitoring, and user management. This affects the efficiency and availability of essential services for the academic community.

The main objective of the project is to design and implement a solution that automates and optimizes Docker container management on the server, improving efficiency and reducing errors. It proposes a user interface to simplify user and permission management, an automation system for container creation and configuration, real-time monitoring, and an evaluation of the solution's impact.

Several positive impacts are expected, such as improved operational efficiency, reduced downtime, and streamlined management. However, there are limitations, including limited resources, internet connectivity, platform compatibility, security, and scalability challenges.

This project aims to transform the administration of Docker containers on the UNIAJC server, enhancing efficiency and the availability of essential services, which will have a positive impact on the academic community and the quality of research and degree projects.



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Santiago Ruiz Posso, Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho

Estudiante de octavo semestre de
Ingeniería de Sistemas, integrante
del semillero SAIDO de la Facultad
de Ingenierías de la Institución
Universitaria Antonio José Camacho.

Alexis Alberto Ramírez Orozco, Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho

Estudiante de octavo semestre de
Ingeniería de Sistemas, integrante
del semillero SAIDO de la Facultad
de Ingenierías de la Institución
Universitaria Antonio José Camacho.


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