Multi-range analysis of the galaxy NGC 3034: an exploration of its structure and star formation

Análisis multirango de la galaxia NGC 3034: una exploración de su estructura y formación estelar

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Jonnatan Arias García Corporación Universitaria Autónoma del Cauca
Jhonny Barrios Vanegas Corporación Universitaria Autónoma del Cauca
David Rodríguez Granados Corporación Universitaria Autónoma del Cauca

This article addresses the question: How is the galaxy NGC 3034 (M82) characterized through a multiband analysis? From an astrophysical perspective, a theoretical framework encompassing galactic morphology and stellar evolution is employed. The methodology includes the acquisition and processing of proprietary images in the B, V, R, and Hα bands from the Aras de los Olmos Observatory, as well as the integration of multiband catalog data from the electromagnetic spectrum, including ultraviolet, optical, infrared, and X-ray bands. This approach provides a comprehensive view of the galactic structure, the distribution of star-forming regions, and the galaxy's interaction with its environment. The conclusions reveal that NGC 3034 exhibits a high concentration of star formation and possible indications of a black hole at its center. Future research lines suggest a deeper analysis of gravitational interactions with nearby galaxies and detailed studies in other bands of the electromagnetic spectrum.



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Jhonny Barrios Vanegas, Corporación Universitaria Autónoma del Cauca

Licenciado en Matemáticas de la Universidad Santiago de Cali y Máster en Astronomía y Astrofísica de la Valencian International University. Coordinador del Semillero Space U. Investigador del Grupo de Investigación en Ciencias Básicas Aplicadas GISCBA, profesor del Departamento de Ciencias Básicas de la Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho.


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