Job characteristics and musculoskeletal symptoms of taxi drivers in the city of Cali 2016
Características del puesto de trabajo y la sintomatología osteomuscular de los taxistas de la ciudad de Cali 2016
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At present a commercial center of Cali counts on 105 taxi drivers; are exposed to a number of adverse conditions that may endanger their health. Objective: To identify the characteristics between the work station and the musculoskeletal symptomatology presented in taxi drivers with a Cali Shopping Center. Methodology: cross-sectional correlational type, the population of 105 drivers who met the selection criteria was taken and who were asked a questionnaire of 18 questions related to their working conditions and health behaviors, the instrument was previously submitted to a Pilot test for validation and reliability. Results: The most frequent symptoms are pain in the back and shoulder in people who are under 5 years old. It is clearly evident that the longer the people are working, the more they are affected by diseases in different parts of the body. The majority of people being 39% have between 10 and 20 years of experience, followed by 33% who have 5 to 10 years of experience, also counting on 25% of drivers who have less than 5 years of experience and Last 3% who have 20 years in the same position. The vehicles currently driven by public service drivers are of the following brands HYUNDAI ATOS 49.5% KIA PICANTO MORNING 21%, KIA PICANTO ION 15%, HYUNDAI I10 9.5% 5% drive a JAC brand vehicle.
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