Adverse effects of enhanced job stability for an organization

Efectos adversos de la estabilidad laboral reforzada para una organización

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Natalia Santos Ortiz Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho

Organizations have generated constant debates about the implications on the jurisprudential term of reinforced labor stability, which is a protection mechanism granted to a worker to avoid being fired when he or she is in a state of manifest vulnerability, preserving his or her principles and Constitutional rights. This article aims to analyze the effects on organizational and economic processes of reinforced labor stability for an organization. For this purpose, a legal documentary research design with a qualitative approach was carried out. As a result the economic effects in terms of costs perceived by companies in a case of reinforced labor stability cannot be quantified with accuracy, because they depend on variables or features of each organization, such as: the type of protection acquired by the employee, the type of position held, the salary, the type of contract with which the employee is linked, etc., which forces organizations to take preventive measures by restructuring their selection and hiring processes by creating  occupational safety and health systems in order to anticipate, recognize, evaluate and control the existence of induvial prone to reinforced labor stability. The results commit organizations to create strategies that allow maneuvering and face the legal and economic challenges of reinforced labor stability in order to maintain efficiency, effectiveness and organizational productivity. 



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Natalia Santos Ortiz, Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho

Profesional en Administración de Empresas de la Universidad del Valle. Con experiencia laboral en la firma Erazo & Escandón Abogados, experiencia como Monitora en el Instituto de Investigación de la Universidad del valle e integrante del Semillero Grupo Humanismo y Gestión de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Administración. 


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