Verbs of thought in 21st century literatura: Dante Medina
Verbs of thought in 21st century literatura: Dante Medina
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The colloquial language increases with expressions, mostly verbs of thought. Why does this happen? It is precisely the study of our analysis: in the last two centuries the pragmaticalization of expressions has grown disproportionately. In the twentieth first century literature, we see how in Latin America a way of saying things is with true semantic meaning broken. In literature, verbs that express mental processes represent new realities, without making the previously existing vocabulary a minority. The most relevant verbs of thought are guess, believe, idea, consider, decide, know, remember, wonder, realize, forgive, among others. Our analysis is aimed at what is the current use that would be considered correct. This study includes neologisms —modern verbs of thought— and the appropriate treatment of the use in the Mexican writer Dante Medina. How and why do the study of pragmatics in literature? Literary pragmatics probably uses “verisimilitude adverb” linguistically correct communication to designate actions as they should be, it is when the philological current enters, and the representation of poetic unknowns begin to be interesting with the use of verbs of thought. We allude in this study that together with semantics and syntax, pragmatics make up a gang that leads us analyze Medina’s semiotic theory applied to the language of his literature and verbs. We take advantage of Modern pragmatics that offers economy in language: it is logical and precise, to define the different functions that semantics and syntax have in the verbs of thought to manifest true meanings.
Detalles del artículo
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