Investigación, creatividad y aprendizaje en la educación superior.
Investigación, creatividad y aprendizaje en la educación superior.
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In this article a reflection is made around the field that delimits the intersection of creativity, research and learning in Higher Education and how from the different work perspectives of each of them it is possible to establish a relationship with the others. This relationship develops from different types of degree work, deepening the systematization of experiences as an alternative that allows us to reflect on the impact of applied research in social and academic communities. There are two central theses that are developed: 1. Research is a field of work that requires and encourages creative thinking, allows learning processes and achieve the goals of higher education. 2. The methodological design is a crucial point in the research process that highlights the creativity of the researcher as such or of the researcher in training, to solve the questions that guide their work. This reflection is the product of the academic discussions that take place within the Pedagogy Research Group (GIP) (category C, Colciencias), and the Seed Research Seedbed, of the Faculty of Distance and Virtual Education of the Antonio University Institution José Camacho.
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