Automation proposal of a use and storage rainwater system at a country house in Valle del Cauca

Propuesta de automatización de un sistema de almacenamiento y uso de aguas lluvias en una vivienda rural del Valle del Cauca

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Juan Carlos Cruz Ardila
Juan Esteban Guzmán Leiva

An automation proposal for using rainwater in a home crop is presented in response to the need to better manage the rainwater collection system installed in a house near El Queremal village, municipality of Dagua, Valle del Cauca. Methodologically began with a field visit to the house where the rainwater storage system is located, mounted, and operating, with some mishaps described by the user and addressed in the proposal as a result of this research. Founded on a process of observation and interview with the user, a control design based on combinational logic was proposed where the selection of the devices was based on a weighting method which generated results for the acquisition of the elements that will fit the requirements of the project. An Arduino development board was chosen as the main controller of the process. It was necessary to elaborate a flowchart for the programming, also a P&ID scheme for the control process was elaborated, supported by the ISA standards, describing the operation and the way in which the process is executed. Finally, it was verified through a simulation using Proteus software loading the algorithm created in Arduino IDE for automation, concluding that it technically works and responds according to the needs presented by the user. The main results obtained in the research exercise are shown where a basic proposal that points to the use of rainwater is made known. 



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Juan Carlos Cruz Ardila, Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho

Ingeniero electricista con Maestría en Educación, Maestría en Ingeniería con énfasis en automática y especialización en Finanzas. Actualmente lidera el grupo de investigación Communitas Sinergia y es el Decano asociado de Investigaciones de la Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho. Correo: 

Juan Esteban Guzmán Leiva, Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho

Estudiante de décimo semestre de ingeniería electrónica de la Universidad de Pamplona. Perteneciente al semillero INVENT asociado al Grupo de Investigación de Sistemas Multisensoriales (GISM). Correo:


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