Falls in patients at a university hospital in Colombia, 2021

Caídas en los pacientes de un hospital universitario de Colombia, 2021

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Eliana Correa Díaz
María Luisa Garzón Calpa
Diomedes Tabima García
Jhonatan González Santamaría

Objective: Characterize the falls in patients at a university hospital in Pereira, Colombia, during the year 2021.Materials and methods: A secondary analysis of information is carried out from the database and the records of adverse events reported in the medical records of the patients of a university hospital in the city of Pereira. Results: During the year of the study, 62,014 users were admitted to the hospital, of whom 133 suffered hospital falls in the different hospital services (mean age 52.1±14.93 years), with more frequent falls in the male sex (61.70%). Two patients presented serious injury leading to subsequent limitation of mobility, representing 1.50% of the sample. Among the main risk factors were being over 50 years of age and the lack of family accompaniment during the patients' stay in hospital. Conclusion: The 0.21% presented falls with a mean age of 52.1±14.93 years, 48.9% of the patients are older than 65 years, Most of the patients 66.90% had mild damage, according to the severity of the fall and 1.5% severe damage (trauma and fractures). The highest proportion of falls occurred in the male gender, in the subsidized regime and in the emergency department; there were no significant cases of falls related to impaired mobility. The international goals for patient safety will continue to be promoted in the hospital.



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Eliana Correa Díaz, Fundación Universitaria del Areandina

Fisioterapeuta. Especialista en fisioterapia en cuidado crítico.

María Luisa Garzón Calpa, Fundación Universitaria del Areandina

Fisioterapeuta. Máster en electroterapia. Especialista en Gerencia en Instituciones de Salud. Maestría educación y entornos virtuales del aprendizaje (en curso).

Diomedes Tabima García, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

Médico cirujano. Especialista en administración de servicios de salud. Especialización en docencia universitaria. Maestría en educación.

Jhonatan González Santamaría, Hospital Universitario San Jorge – Pereira

Profesional en Ciencias del Deporte y la Recreación. Especialista en Política pública. Especialista en Nutrición y Suplementación Deportiva. Magister en Educación y Desarrollo Humano. Doctor(c) Ciencias de la Nutrición. Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación.

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