Horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands as an alternative for heavy metal removal in gold mining effluents
Humedales construidos de flujo subsuperficial horizontal como alternativa para la remoción de metales pesados en efluentes de minería aurífera
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Currently, one of the most significant problems facing humanity is centered on environmental pollution, where the quality of water resources, air and soil are in constant detriment, substantially influencing public health and the well-being and way of life of individuals. Thus, artisanal gold mining causes various environmental problems, mainly to the water matrix, since the liquid waste from gold mining is discharged into the soil and bodies of water without any type of treatment. Accordingly, the objective of this research is to evaluate the efficiency of a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland in the removal of heavy metals present in mining effluents. The execution of the study consisted of three phases, integrated by a physicochemical characterization of the effluent, then, the design and construction of the constructed wetland at pilot scale, and finally, the operation and monitoring for the evaluation of the removal efficiency. We were able to detect traces of mercury and lead that do not comply with Colombian regulations for discharges (resolution 0631 of 2015). Likewise, a system of constructed wetlands was designed to evaluate the efficiency of two types of macrophytes for the environmental remediation of the effluent.
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