Management model for attention and response to ransomware attacks in the networking area
Modelo de gestión para la atención y respuesta ante ataques de ransomware en el área de networking
Main Article Content
In the current era of technological advances, the frequent use of cloud services by organizations and companies has provided agility and convenience to users and collaborators. However, this trend entails the exposure of data of both users and organizations, making them vulnerable to cyber-attacks, mainly ransomware, which has raised growing concerns about data security. In response to this threat, organizations have recognized the importance of taking steps to protect data and prevent cyber-attacks. This study proposes a management model for responding to ransomware attacks in network environments. The methodology is divided into two phases: literature review, model review and formulation. The results identify key variables such as artificial intelligence techniques, predictive models, and security monitoring tools. The discussion highlights the effectiveness of the model in early detection and prevention of attacks, and the importance of staff training. Despite its limitations, the model provides a robust framework to mitigate risks and ensure operational continuity. This study contributes significantly to the improvement of cybersecurity in organizational networks, offering a comprehensive and adaptable approach to ransomware threats.
Article Details
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