Mobile robotic platform controlled by a smartphone using the android operating system
Plataforma robótica móvil controlada por un teléfono inteligente usando el sistema operativo android
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Smart systems such as smartphones has allowed to improve the compute processing, memory, availability of libraries in high-level languages, wireless communications, manipulation of sensors and interaction with people by using a touch screen. This paper presents the design and implementation of a Mobile Robotic Platform (MRP) that uses a smartphone as main controller by using the Android operating system. The control consists to send a set of instructions through the Bluetooth protocol from an application developed in Java and XML language. These instructions are received by an electronic system through a serial protocol and analyzed by an Arduino board. The MRP can be programmed for performing automatic tasks, according to the above a module has been added to the application for line tracking that uses motors for traction and direction by using optical sensors. Finally, the smartphone can be used like a remote control and by using an accelerometer sensor, to tilt the MRP.
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