Quantitative characterization of the variables of the organizational culture in the José Holguín Garcés Educational Institution in the city of Cali- February 2018
Caracterización cuantitativa de las variables de la cultura organizacional en la Institución Educativa José Holguín Garcés de la ciudad de Cali- Febrero 2018
Main Article Content
The Organizational Culture (CO) has become more relevant in recent decades becoming a key element for the design of corporate strategy, since in its essence are contained the principles, beliefs and values that model the behaviors and behaviors that are presented to the inside of organizations.
Considering the above, this research presents results that demonstrate the importance of the Cameron & Quinn model and the application of its OCAI tool, as one of the instruments to identify types of culture in organizations, in association with other statistical tools among the which we named the Principal Component Analysis (ACP), the VarImp function and the neural networks, in order to correlate the results in the identification of the type of organizational culture prevailing in the José Holguín Garcés Educational Institution, allowing to provide information with less bias of subjectivity and providing a greater degree of truthfulness.
This is how the results obtained from this research reflect a higher incidence of the hierarchical culture in the educational institution, not to mention that the types of Clan, Market and Adhocratic culture also have great representation, according to the results of the research.
Additionally, it is necessary to indicate that there is consistency in the results obtained both in the application of the OCAI, as well as in the APC and VarImp tools, where the participation of the type of hierarchical culture presents a higher level of predominance
Article Details
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