Optimización del proceso de empaque de la línea de pastillas.
Optimización del proceso de empaque de la línea de pastillas.
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Constantly improving processes has always been a permanent need in companies to satisfy customers and become more competitive. To obtain these objectives, organizations look for different alternatives that do not always provide the expected results. Therefore, solutions must be much more efficient, making the most of economic resources, labor and time, aimed at improving customer satisfaction with products and services. In this project, the objective is to propose several solutions that increase the efficiency in the packaging process in the Pastillas x 2 line, where it has been shown that the packaging times of the mentioned product are generating the loss of man-hour, which could be used in another process within the same area. For the development of the project, a restriction analysis will be carried out to find the bottleneck that currently presents the packaging process in the Pastillas line. Additionally, the analysis proceeds to take the methods and times, including the fatigue analysis, to determine the failures that exist in the current process. Based on the analyzes carried out, the proposed objectives for the optimization of the packaging process of the Pastillas tablets x 2 line are proposed, involving the operators through training that makes them aware of the objectives proposed in this project.
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