Significant ai-assisted didactic strategies to contribute to the development of responsible citizenship, from reading comprehension, oral and textual production in higher education students at UNIAJC AND UNICATÓLICA

Estrategias didácticas significativas asistidas por la ia para contribuir al desarrollo de una ciudadanía responsable, desde la comprensión lectora, la producción oral y textual en los estudiantes de educación superior de la UNIAJC y UNICATÓLICA

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Martha Lucía Rosales Fernández
Patricia Liliana Rueda Álvarez
Angélica María Grajales Ramos
Luz Dary Restrepo Quiñones
Marilyn Molano De La Roche
Manuel Santiago Arango Rojas

This article aims to demonstrate a significant didactic experience that aims to develop communicative skills in higher education and contributes to the development of responsible citizenship through the Development of Communicative Skills, where Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes an educational tool. in higher education. Personalized prompts inspire students to develop unique creative ideas individually and collectively. The presentation presents an innovative vision mediated by AI as a meaningful educational experience in higher education. It stands out how AI can personalize learning, provide instant feedback and, most importantly, adapt to the individual needs of students. It is important that these learnings are mediated by teachers through the ethical component. Interculturality intervenes by offering access to resources from different cultures and origins. Concrete examples of how AI can be integrated into the classroom are presented, including virtual assistants that offer real-time feedback and online learning platforms that adapt content focused on the level of competence of each student that facilitates the development of communication skills. The AI has the potential to revolutionize higher education by improving these skills in students, an improvement that is not only relevant in academic terms, but also contributes to the formation of responsible citizens, capable of communicating effective in an increasingly interconnected and diverse society.



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