Curricular theoretical model for the transformation of human talent in the complex university

Modelo teórico curricular para la transformación del talento humano en la universidad compleja

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Musa Ammar  Majad Rondón

This research aimed to construct a theoretical curricular model for the transformation of human talent in the complex university, under the approach of humanistic, systems and complex theories. The importance refers to the study of curricular difficulties that affect the transformation of human talent in the university field, specifically in the career of Administration, mention Industrial Relations, Alonso University of Ojeda in San Cristobal, Táchira state. It was based on the postpositivist paradigm; A field study of a descriptive, evaluative-explanatory nature, with a hermeneutical approach, adopting the ethnographic method, with the qualitative approach, complemented with quantitative techniques and instruments, developing the curriculum evaluation model of Stufflebeam and Shinkfield (1989). The subjects were conformed in the strata coordinator, teacher and student. The techniques were the in-depth interview and the questionnaire. There was a need to reinforce education as a planned activity; Internal weaknesses were identified in the transformative educational processes of man, understanding that it is a subject that must see, think and act to serve and transform the internal components of his own being and society, with commitment, ethical value, responsibility and relevance; This, in an institution with little projection in the environment. Recommendations were made and the construction of the curricular model was presented. 



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Musa Ammar  Majad Rondón, Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho

Licenciado en Letras (ULA), Magíster en Gerencia Educativa (UNET), Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación (UBA). Vinculado a la Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua y al Centro de Gestión del Conocimiento Universitas. 


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