Propuesta de intervención a partir del arte urbano como elemento que crea valor en un espacio marginal de la ciudad de Popayán

Propuesta de intervención a partir del arte urbano como elemento que crea valor en un espacio marginal de la ciudad de Popayán

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Daniel Mauricio Vidal Muñoz
Jaysson Fernández Hormiga

Popayán is a city that has managed to preserve
its urban scale and the harmony of its colonial
character for more than four centuries, an
attraction that seduces numerous national and
foreign visitors (Alcaldía de Popayán, 2019).
However, the city in its urban growth processes has
delimited spaces that, despite preserving colonial
features, have been identified as marginal areas.
In this context, you can also locate sectors that,
although they are not located on the outskirts of
the city, are close to the historic center, but belong
to marginal spaces, such is the case of the Alfonso
López neighborhood, a place proposed for the
intervention of the present proposal.
Now, it is pertinent to refer to the fact that
these changes in the geographical spaces also
cause an impact on the subjectivity of the
inhabitants, which added to the changes of
modernity (technologizing, globalization) bring
sociocultural consequences.

The development of the values of individualism
in today’s society and the extension of rationality
in all fields enters this scenario of urban spaces, a
hostile panorama in which the subject is immersed
in a circle that is at the service of interests materials
rather than emotional, which make the city a set
of fragments and unequal segments, in which
relationships of competition.
Dependency and constant struggle develop, some
marginal and excluded such as the sector of the
Alfonso López neighborhood, in which situations
converge of lack or social nonconformity about the
public space, the relationships that are concentrated
in it and the social conditions that characterize its
immediacy; situations that in turn originate a series
of values and cultural processes that are configured
in their ways of life, expression, reappropriation of
the city, resignification of space, social construction,
community participation and construction of
neighborhood identities and Construction of
neighborhood identities and citizens.
The present work initially presents the theoretical
framework with concepts necessary to clarify for the
development of the project, then applied methodology
is developed and finally the conclusions obtained.


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Author Biographies View

Daniel Mauricio Vidal Muñoz, Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Cauca

Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Cauca, Popayán, Colombia

Jaysson Fernández Hormiga, Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Cauca

Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Cauca, Popayán, Colombia

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