Teacher perception of engagement and its relationship with some psychosocial risk factors in a group of public institutions in the educational sector in Colombia

Percepción docente frente al engagement y su relación con algunos factores de riesgos psicosociales en un grupo de instituciones públicas del sector educativo en Colombia

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José David Hernández López
Erika Andrea Contreras Gamboa

The present study is part of an investigation derived from the international Macroproject WONPUM, working in human services under the new public management, meanings, risks, and outcomes in the teaching profession of some institutions in Colombia. Specifically, it analyzes the construct of Engagement defined by Salanova and Shaufeli (2009) as "a positive mental state related to work and characterized by vigor (high levels of energy and mental resilience), dedication (high work involvement), and absorption (high state of concentration and immersion)."

This work focuses on the relationship that Engagement has with some categories or dimensions of psychosocial risks in education, specifically in teaching. Data collection was carried out using the instrument designed by Blanch, Sahagún, Cantera, and Cervantes (2010) cited by García Solarte (2011), already validated and proposed within the methodological framework of the WONPUM Macroproject, with a sample of 498 respondents in 19 educational organizations. Of these, 61% are part of higher education institutions, 24% of secondary education, and 15% of basic education.

This research highlights the importance of delving into the study of human behavior at work from positive psychology, being indispensable for organizations' productivity, which is given by human talent management, where human talent is the fundamental basis for the success and sustainability of the organization.



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José David Hernández López, Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho

Magíster en gestión de la Innovación, Profesional en Mercadeo de la Universidad Santiago de Cali. Docente de tiempo completo de la Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho. Correo: jdavidh26@hotmail.com

Erika Andrea Contreras Gamboa, Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho

Maestría Gerencia del Talento Humano, Universidad de Manizales, Especialización en Alta gerencia, Universidad de Pamplona, Administradora de empresas Universidad de Pamplona, Docente de tiempo completo de la Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho. Correo: econtreras@admon.uniajc.edu.co


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