Outsourcing in health and its influence on the organizational climate in 2015
Tercerización laboral en salud y su influencia en el clima organizacional año 2015
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Since the creation of law 50 of 1990, Cooperatives of associated work, associations, corporations or foundations have entered into force in Colombia, which according to Constitutional Court decision C-614/2009 and C-171/2012 indicates as a clear mockery Gives labor rights and the employment relationship with the state contained in Article 125 of the national constitution. Since 2004 contracting with third parties has deepened in the Public Hospitals and Public Health Institutions in Colombia, with the silence of the state, but this had been applied since long before with aggravating in the provision of services and violating the Fundamental right to work. This research will be carried out as a cross-sectional descriptive cross-sectional study, to familiarize the reader with the phenomenon, to show that cooperatives of associated work (already disappeared after the sentences of the constitutional court), associations, corporations or foundations (In the health sector) , Are an evil that I attack not only the right to work but also the provision of health services and from the sentence of the honorable constitutional court have transformed them into labor unions in the vast majority of ESEs of the first level in the city Of Santiago de Cali.
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