Evaluación del nutriente foliar multimineral con aminoácidos como complemento a la fertilización edáfica en el incremento de los parámetros de rendimiento en el cultivo de maracuyá (Passiflora Edulis, Var., Flavicarpa) en la granja Centro de Investigación

Evaluación del nutriente foliar multimineral con aminoácidos como complemento a la fertilización edáfica en el incremento de los parámetros de rendimiento en el cultivo de maracuyá (Passiflora Edulis, Var., Flavicarpa) en la granja Centro de Investigación

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José Ignacio Cabrera Padilla
Henry Rangel Marín

In the agronomic management of the passion
fruit crop (Passiflora edulis - Var. Flavicarpa),
fertilization is one of the most important
aspects because it highly affects productivity,
fruit quality, production costs and profitability.
The multimineral foliar nutrient is a foliar
biostimulant, which contains free amino acids
balanced with minor elements, which is developed
with raw materials derived from yeast that provide
free amino acids with better bioavailability. This
research was carried out at the facilities of the
CEDEAGRO Farm, located in the Irrupa village
of the municipality of Roldanillo - Valle; the lot
used had an area of 1300 m2, a distance between
plants of 3m was proposed, and distance between
rows of 2.3m. The plant density per hectare is
1,449 plants / ha. 170 plants were planted in the
lot; a completely random distribution was made
in four groups (control, dose 1, dose 2, and dose
3). The dose to be used of multimineral will be
1 L / Ha, 2L / Ha, 3 L / Ha, and the control dose
in which the product will not be applied. This
application was made 1 month for 10 applications.
Statistically, no significant difference was found
in the variables evaluated, but at the field level
treatment, two presented better results compared
to the other treatments.


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Author Biographies View

José Ignacio Cabrera Padilla, Instituto Técnico Profesional de Roldanillo-INTEP

Instituto Técnico Profesional de Roldanillo-INTEP, Roldanillo, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

Henry Rangel Marín, Instituto Técnico Profesional de Roldanillo-INTEP

Instituto Técnico Profesional de Roldanillo-INTEP, Roldanillo, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

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