Compuesto sólido de PVH como fuente de proteína para alimentación de ganado bovino

Compuesto sólido de PVH como fuente de proteína para alimentación de ganado bovino

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Gustavo Adolfo Garzón Mora
Óscar Eduardo Giraldo Alcalde
Juan Camilo Gamboa Estacio
Rubén Darío Girón

The solid compound of PVH is a by-product
that is obtained after the draining process of the
hydrolyzed vegetable protein; This by-product
contains protein, fat and other components that
can be beneficial for animal nutrition; When
incorporating the solid compound of PVH in
fattening cattle in stages of raising and fattening,
it seeks to establish what its nutritional benefits
are, which can be seen reflected in weight gain,
improvement in body condition, animal health.
For this, two work groups were taken (treatment
and control), which underwent nutritional
supplementation; the location and real difference
between the two groups was the incorporation
of the solid compound of PVH in the diet of the
treatment group, but the two groups received a
supplementation with an average protein between
14% and 16% at a supplementation ration of 900
grams per animal.

The project lasted 145 calendar days, in which they
received the supplementation per animal and every
7 days, were subjected to weight control, establishing
and comparing the differences within a normal
feeding and a diet with solid compound of PVH.
The result obtained within the two groups was
favorable for the solid compound of PVH; The
weight gain of the treatment group exceeded the
control group by 5 kilograms per month for a total
of more than 25 kg in entire duration of the average
research project per animal.
Thanks to the study, we can give a positive part
to the use of the solid compound of HPV in the
nutrition of fattening cattle, establishing that this
by-product was highly accepted by animals and
did not present any health problems that could
interfere with feed conversion.


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Gustavo Adolfo Garzón Mora, Instituto de Educación Técnica Profesional de Roldanillo

Instituto de Educación Técnica Profesional de Roldanillo, Valle, Colombia

Óscar Eduardo Giraldo Alcalde, Instituto de Educación Técnica Profesional de Roldanillo

Instituto de Educación Técnica Profesional de Roldanillo, Valle, Colombia

Juan Camilo Gamboa Estacio, Instituto de Educación Técnica Profesional de Roldanillo

Instituto de Educación Técnica Profesional de Roldanillo, Valle, Colombia

Rubén Darío Girón, Instituto Técnico Profesional de Roldanillo-INTEP

Instituto de Educación Técnica Profesional de Roldanillo, Valle, Colombia

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