Socioeconomic effect of social isolation by covid-19 in students of the bachelor of early childhood education 2022-1 of the Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho
Efecto socioeconómico del aislamiento social por Covid-19 en estudiantes de Licenciatura en Educación Infantil 2022-1 de la Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho
Main Article Content
The research analyzed the socioeconomic effects due to social isolation by COVID-19 of the students of the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education 2022-1. Where we will ask ourselves: How does the presence of (COVID-19) impact the attitudes and psychosocial, economic and cultural behaviors of the students of the Antonio José Camacho University Institution with a Degree in Early Childhood Education 2022-1? The sample was obtained by a cross-sectional descriptive observational study and was made up of men and women, who study or work and of different socioeconomic levels. The need for a modality centered on the person who learns is recognized, which requires focusing teaching as a learning orientation process, where the conditions are created so that students not only appropriate knowledge, but also develop skills, form values and acquire strategies that allow them to act independently, committed and creative, in order to deal with the situation that is currently being experienced worldwide and thus solve the problems that they will have to face in the future.
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